How to find Dave Ramsey's ELP (endorsed local provider)

Dave Ramsey is a financial talk show host, television host, seminar leader and writer who has a very large national following. His teaching is unique because he so strongly rejects debt and emphasizes sacrifice to become financially stable. He has implemented a program where he endorses local financial services and insurance providers who follow the same principals that he does, and here's how you can find them.

Visit Dave Ramsey's website at
On the right hand side, close to the top, click the link that says "Endorsed Local Providers."
In the middle of the screen, select the service that you are interested in. Currently Dave Ramsey's team endorses people in the following areas:
Real estate agents
Health insurance agents
Tax services and CPA's
Long term care insurance agents
Fill out your contact information, especially your zip code, and hit submit. You will then see the local person or team who was endorsed by Dave Ramsey in your local area.

Copyright 2009 by Michael Nehring