How to find Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University in your area

Dave Ramsey is one of America's premiere authorities on personal finance, giving advice on getting out of debt, investments, retirement, real estate and more. He created a popular class called Financial Peace University (FPU), which is a 13 week series of classes on how to handle your personal finances. These courses are run on video with Dave Ramsey teaching, followed by discussion lead by a local course leader. Here's how to find a course in your area.

Go to and wait for the page to load.
In the left hand column, click on Financial Peace University.
Enter your zip code in the box in the middle of the screen and click "Go". (See highlighted image.) A new page will load with a list of classes in your area.
Look through the list to find a class that is close to your and has a schedule that fits in your schedule. Click the "Register" link underneath the address for the class that you are interested in.
Complete registration and attend the class. Enjoy and learn!

Copyright 2009 by Michael Nehring