How to find restaurant inspection sanitation scores in Orange County, North Carolina (Chapel Hill, NC)

It's great to know whether the restaurant you plan to go to is clean before you enter it. With the Internet, these sanitation scores are post online in many jurisdictions. In the State of North Carolina, the jurisdiction that handles sanitation is on the county level. Here's how to get that information for Orange County, NC (which includes Chapel Hill and Hillsborough).

Go to
Click on "Inspection Grades".
You can either start immediately browsing all inspections at the bottom, or you can do a search to filter the results.
To do a search, look through the various fields. Most of them either pertain to the restaurants name, or its location. You can also filter restaurants by whether they allow smoking or not.
Once you have entered all your search criteria, click "Start Search".
The list of matches will appear at the bottom. If your match isn't on the first page, click the right arrow button to see the next page.
Once you have found the location you are interested in, click the blue "inspections" button to the left of the listing.
At the bottom of the page that appears will be a list of all recent inspections along with the score. If you want to see the details of an inspection, click the "Violations" button to the left of the inspection listing. You will then see each violation, with critical violations highlighted in red and a description of the exact nature of the violation.

Copyright 2009 by Michael Nehring